Vedic Grammar

Vedic grammar has long been a desideratum. It is one of t.he chief aids to the study of the hymns of the Ved:. caned for fody-three years ago in the preface to 11is edition of the Rigveda by llax Muller, who adds, 'I doubt not thnt the time will come when no one in India will call himself a Sanskrit scholar who cannot constl'ue the hyruns of the ancient Rishis of his country'. It is mainly due to the lack of such a work that the study of Vedic literature, despite its grent linguistic and religious importance, has never taken its proper place by the side of the study of Clas!":lical Sanskrit either ill England or India. ,Vhitney's excellent Sanskrit Gramma1', inueed, treats the earlier language in its historicnl connexiol1 with the later, but fo1' this very reason students are, as I have often been assured, unable to acquire from it a clear knowledge of eilher the one or the other, because beginnel's cannot keep the two dialects apar...


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